Detail of the head, held in modeling clay, fimo, glass eyes ...
general appearance of the replica already finished 1:1 scale whole process takes two working days.
Appearance of the wings and tail before painting with acrylics, cut one by one in thin balsa wood.
Over more than twenty years the chosen bird by SEO / BirdLife symbolized some of the most significant threats and tear on our birds. Grouse, bustards, the imperial eagle and the black vulture have been some of the highlights. Their goal every year has been to draw attention to the delicate situation that is each of these species and their habitats.
This year, for the first time, has been elected as a predatory nocturnal bird of the Year. The European owl (Athene noctua ) thus becomes the protagonist of this species year attention on their conservation status, threats it presents and how everyone can help to improve their populations.
This time the owl calls the eyes of everyone, but especially the rural since its decline, more than 40% in the last decade in Spain, is caused mainly by changes in agriculture. Currently it is estimated that around 50,000 owls in our country.
For many years, the owl has benefited from human activities in the agricultural sector and as a result their populations increased significantly.
The owl was and is one of the best allies of the farmer , and fighting pests rodents and locusts naturally and without the cost involved in the use of chemicals. They have a great deserving of this award.