Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Free Stuff Like Jib Jab

Biobricolaje now in the 20 chapters!

Biobricolaje, naturalistic space activities in TVE, every Monday on "The Adventure of knowledge

Running in the chapter devoted to modeling elements of nature.

Outdoor chapter: "Observation and study of ponds"

chapter on the Inhabitants of the soil.

Biobricolaje began broadcasting in January This year 2011, was an illusion for the whole team a TVE program dedicated to naturalists kept on the screen, we have achieved and we recently shot and the episode # 20!, which fills us with pride and encourages us to pursue this line of stories that encourage us all to meet and interact with nature, we show them as you can perform different activities at home or outdoors with your own hands and easy to find materials.

late June when it issued all chapters of this season will hang 20 on the blog links here, to see them on-line, back when I leave the link to the blog Biobricolaje I created and which describes short chapters and some of its curiosities.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Close Up Brazillian Wax

Exhibition held for areas of Andalucia REMP

general appearance of the exhibition halls

Working in the diorama-shore hub.

Diorama-cube "Mediterranean forest", with lots of animals and animal replicas, each diorama takes weeks of completion.

diorama detail-cube "Riparian forest, each with sounds typical of this ecosystem.

building that hosts the exhibitions at the Science Museum of Granada. Zoom

and raise awareness of natural areas in Andalusia to the general public was one of the main objectives to be covered when planning the design and implementation of the thematic exhibition on the RENPA (Protected Natural Areas Network of Andalusia).

To find out what is the RENPA ...

Andalusia has the network of protected natural areas largest in Spain. RENPA currently has 144 designated sites and represented 34% of the total area of \u200b\u200bAndalusia.

A spectacular light, sound and vision of the essential ecosystem Andalusian our dioramas:

    You hear
  • the sounds of the evening in a lagoon. Discover

  • life that hides in a desert.

  • Rest on the bank of a river.

  • Experience the changing seasons inside a Mediterranean forest.

early spring dawn in a marsh

00'00''is dark. In the dark horizon of the flooded marshes include grunts, whistles and rattles of cabochons, coots and rails. Midwife toads in the mud and hissing from afar, it's pounding of the stilts. A place malvasia their peculiar mating sequence, based on splashing, whistles coughs and piping. The silence leaves room for sound and racing frogs and ducks splashing. Until, suddenly, powerful and amplified by the water layer, which acts on the sound as a mirror, come the cries deep gray geese. Approaching a flock of hundreds, perhaps thousands of birds. Suddenly, a coot runs the race on water and is the signal for an intense traffic of frightened birds.

02'45'' Sunrise on a cold day on the water surface gray, overflown by a pair of geese, also gray. Trumpeting a coot, the look stridulate unicolor archibebes whistle, neigh the grebes, the jugs sigh, grunt flamingos ... Gradually, as the rising sun colored the landscape, the soundscape is filled with those other "colors" produced by birds.


the four seasons Spring

00'00''. witnessing a strange dialogue between various peaks Woodpecker, at the apex at the confluence of their territories. From the depths of the forest, the four corners, reaching the melodic voices and common Thrush, chickadees and finches nets.

01'57''Summer. The nightingale's song leads us squarely in the right station. In the heat of summer, chicha remind us of the meaning of the word "scorch". Black kites flying over the scene and a hoopoe insistent repeated his call, a persistent shout double. Much or more than the cooing of the turtledove. 04'00''

Fall. The first rain of autumn, the first storm of September: it's time to rut. Dusk and the valleys and mountains of all the mountains of Andalucia shake with bellows of the deer, who dispute, literally voices and header for the privilege of females. The throaty sound of the deer was added several weeks later. Crickets recent years also framed and grunts repudiations a herd of wild boars and rummage hozan litter.

06'15''Winter. Silent and cold winter wind. Until a distant trumpet, followed by another and a thousand more, announces the arrival of the cranes, wrapped in a rainstorm. It produces the signal that closes the natural cycle in forests.

mid-afternoon to dusk

00'00''By mid-afternoon. Several attend a dialogue between partridges in a cleared area of \u200b\u200bscrub. The hum of insects, along with the voices terreras tangled, goldfinches and wheat, we also speak of a tangled vegetation. On the floor near the feet, repeated rhythmic whistling quail. All the bush warblers are incorporated into this symphony of roughness: Subalpine, tomilleras, Dartford, Gulls, Orphean ... Grasshoppers and jump up a gentle breeze sways the tops.

02'53''Late afternoon. Al freshening gives the hum of insects. The whistles of owls and curlews anticipate the arrival of darkness.

quail approaches and enters the rattling of brown nightjar. As the contours are blurred lights concert of crickets. The chilling screech owl makes the final point.


day pass

00'00'' Before dawn on the fresh stream of the river, are the voices of egrets, mockingbirds and amphibians. In the distance a wake in their roosting crows. Bastards nightingales and robins are the first inhabitants of the day is still sing as night.

01'20''It's morning . A buzzard flew over the scene, the golden oriole whistled cute piping and pronounces his name in the distance. The pigeons put the counterpoint of his voice hoarse and dragged. 02'02''

Several herons squawking approach, with the night behind them. Al crotoreo of Storks of soto is the croaking of frogs, crickets and stridulate dialogue between various owls meows. The barking of a fox in heat and expand the nightingale call now at night.


Full Body Waxing Price India

Exhibition commemorating the 50 anniversary of the Parque Nacional del Teide and the Caldera

A mount point of the River diorama Caldera we installed.

Diorama photographic embedded in a panel on the Canarian flora in the back riding a diorama about the owl and the pine forest.

Diorama embedded in photographic panel reperesentando Teide: Snow on the lava and kestrel.

Panel diorama, flora and fauna Canary

Diorama finished, the orange of the river channel due to the colonies of bacteria specialized to live in the large amount of dissolved iron in water and that cover this particular bank.

The 50th anniversary of the creation of these protected areas we allowed a large group of dioramas and other modules itinerant exhibition in a statement that rests at the Museum of Nature and Man ..

The exhibition is structured into two main sections: one dedicated to the PN of El Teide and the other PN Caldera, each of which consists of 12 panels articulated identically:
1. History of the Formation of Landscape
2. Timeline
Park Network 3. References in the History of
Park 4. Public Use Park
5. Research
6. Sustainable Development
7. People
Park Network 9. Flora
10. Fauna
11. Gea
12. Man and
For PN del Teide, the Diorama has recreated a most surprising aspect despite the proximity localization in the Tropic of Cancer: snow in the Cañadas del Teide. Between washes landscapes, life manifests surprisingly rich, especially the flora. Both flora and fauna, are shown taking the most representative examples. For

PN Caldera, unlike the surprising landscape of lava from Mount Teide, has recreated a space whose protagonist is water. Thus, we have located the main flagship species of flora and fauna.

As a climax to the exposed terrain, we find a large board representative of the Parks hyper.

far it would seem that the visitor is a mere spectator of the information displayed, however, the exhibition also features interactive information, the technology also has its place for this special occasion and have done what is commonly called "fly-throughs." The mention of "National Park" implies certain restrictions whose ultimate goal is the protection of the environment and, therefore, the benefit of all people and ecosystems. Within these restrictions limit this free access in space. However, through the "virtual flights" we will visit places and places that would not otherwise be easily possible. It is the visitor who chooses where to want to "fly" and where "Rest." This is possible through authentic art technology, are unique applications that put us, literally, in each of the points previously selected Parks.

The declaration of these National Parks was the beginning of the safeguarding of heritage landmark canary and now contribute significantly to the success of the defense policy and environmental conservation.

hope that by the end of the path of the sample, at least, has caused the visitor's reflection. It would be a good step toward quality of life we \u200b\u200bpursue.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Get Pearls In Happy Aquarium

Manzanares Environmental Education Center, installation of dioramas and replicas. Replicated

appearance of the areas where they were placed dioramas and replicas

Facilities already completed

One of the replicas to bring to the exhibition (salamander), in addition to this we also include : lizard, lizard mountain, midwife toad, snake, viper, San Antonio frog, turtle, Florida, Iberian newt, common toad ... all modeled and painted by hand.

One of the signs that indicate the exposure

Today we have installed the dioramas and replicas of amphibian and reptiles of the permanent exhibition that offers "Environmental Education Center Manzanares (Manzanares el Real)
That is located in the vicinity of the Pedriza.

These are located outdoors, in a facility that recreate the river and ponds around the area.

center General Information:

Center in its main building has a large hall which houses the permanent exhibition to exhibition panels, displays, models and audiovisual on the salient features of the Basin Regional Park Alta del Manzanares. In a smaller building will house exhibition temporary. Outer space has been landscaped with native species, security lighting is powered by solar energy and there are several thematic areas. The Centre is accessible for people with visual or motor disabilities.

activities and equipment exhibition :

  • Sendas Tours Self-guided trails
  • Themed tours traveling
  • Classroom Workshops
  • Center: Classroom , Audiovisual, permanent exhibition, temporary exhibitions, Model
  • Aquarium Arboretum
  • outdoor classroom
  • Forest for the future compost
  • observatory
  • Pond-Garden
  • aromatic rock garden Garden
  • ecological
  • Small Pedriza
  • Nursery education
If you are interested in this type of equipment and exhibition modules, feel free to contact us ...

Productions Team Nature Fantasy SL.

Women Wearing Sanitary Napkins Images

Castañar de Ibor cave and its speleothems

was in 1999 when the board of Extremadura custom make me a replica of the famous natural monument Castañar Cave de Ibor (Cáceres), at the time to design and build a large cave one of the larger rooms in the center of interpretation of that region, with their stalactites and other details: (crystals of aragonite, calcite ...)

Now in this year 2011 the board has returned to make efforts to provide this replica of more and better detail, and that scientific research in recent years have advanced and much more is known of the physical environment of the original cave. (The latter does not allow visitors)

This has made us to order the new crystals and textures of a refurbished cave, and we have generated in the workshop the best processes and crystal growth modeling (chemical pure) to give this replica museum of details like these that show in these pictures:

1:1 scale replica of one of the typical cave speleothems.

General view of a part of the scenery, the walls covered with a multitude of replicas of different crystals and concretions (aragonite speleothems, calcite ...).

Crystal worked with joint ventures between modeling techniques and chemical processes. in the replica of the cave place over 200 different glasses!

one aspect of hand shaped crystals of large size and complexity, up to 15 different products and materials make up its structure.

crystals in its final position in the cave modeled.

Notes on the original cave:

A treasure under the olive trees

In an austere olive the region of the Ibores (Extremadura), appeared under the weight of the plow pulled by a mule, a mysterious hole in the ground, water vapor emanating from a cold winter day in 1967 and was the sole access through an impressive treasure A landscape of another planet a few meters deep.

A narrow cave just 2 miles long with several large rooms filled with stalactites that seem to defy gravity and chemical patterns known structures of aragonite, calcite and other rare minerals mixed together to form crystals of various colors capricious, underground lakes of crystal tree sprouting passing visitors a strange feeling of unreality and extreme beauty. In addition, this cave is happening many chemical and geological phenomena studied today, providing interesting information on crystallography, ecology and climate of the past and other aspects of great scientific value.

Angel February

link to visit the interpretive center

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Broken Capillaries And Rash

Quo-article: Eco-unknown jewels of the Spanish nature. Modeling a common

Quo, May 2011 cover

Cave Castañar de Ibor, one of the candidates for the Eco-English jewelry ...

The cave speleothems Castañar are unique for their crystallization.

May In this issue of the journal Quo, I have the pleasure of publishing an article on deconocidas jewels of the English nature, hope you like, you find at the nearest newsstand.

"the Iberian peninsula and islands make up one of the richest natural settings in Europe, geography, climate and insularity make our country a haven of unique landscapes and biodiversity worthy of admiration, why candidates choose as an example of that wealth is primarily a trade perverse, but being as objective as possible and after lengthy discussions with experts in different scientific disciplines (biologists, geologists, environmentalists ...) I can make the effort to select these little known gems to illustrate the article.

You'll notice quickly that I have omitted large and emblematic species, as known to all as lynx, imperial eagle, grizzly bear ... natural environments such as national parks and reserves, to make way for the unknown nature much more modest in appearance and popularity, but it really represents close to that biodiversity is about to disappear, many of them at imminent risk ."...


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nutritional Value Of A Corn Tortillas

Owl, bird of 2011

Detail of the head, held in modeling clay, fimo, glass eyes ...

general appearance of the replica already finished 1:1 scale whole process takes two working days.

Appearance of the wings and tail before painting with acrylics, cut one by one in thin balsa wood.

Over more than twenty years the chosen bird by SEO / BirdLife symbolized some of the most significant threats and tear on our birds. Grouse, bustards, the imperial eagle and the black vulture have been some of the highlights. Their goal every year has been to draw attention to the delicate situation that is each of these species and their habitats.

This year, for the first time, has been elected as a predatory nocturnal bird of the Year. The European owl (Athene noctua ) thus becomes the protagonist of this species year attention on their conservation status, threats it presents and how everyone can help to improve their populations.

This time the owl calls the eyes of everyone, but especially the rural since its decline, more than 40% in the last decade in Spain, is caused mainly by changes in agriculture. Currently it is estimated that around 50,000 owls in our country.

For many years, the owl has benefited from human activities in the agricultural sector and as a result their populations increased significantly.

The owl was and is one of the best allies of the farmer , and fighting pests rodents and locusts naturally and without the cost involved in the use of chemicals. They have a great deserving of this award.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Sow A Patch On A Leather Vest

The bird life live! webcam 24 h. Details of a pond

Ink Drawing

watercolor pencil

Thanks to the webcam can see the secret life of birds live on the internet looking for our favorite species find: nest boxes tits and blue tits (see blog for Biobricolaje empezar a montarlas) estas ultimas en Inglaterra tienen miles de seguidores, nidos de grandes y pequeñas rapaces, (en la web de GREFA tienen algunas instaladas en los primillares)
Aunque una de las que más me gusto es la que esta emplazada en el Parque Nacional de Cabañeros, en un nido de Águila imperial ibérica, encender los altavoces, pues además de una buena imagen se escucha el sonido ambiente con gran claridad, fijaos en la algarabía de pajarillos que "se quejan" cuando una de las grandes aves despega del nido a buscar ramas para tapizarlo en estas fechas primaverales.

Espero que las disfrutéis, para ilustrar esta entrada añado un dibujo que realice a tinta de una pareja de Imperial chickens and a watercolor of peregrine falcons.

Ah! and two direct links to chambers of these two species! a greeting.

Imperial Nest Nest

peregrine webcam
other species around the globe.

Friday, March 25, 2011

What Is Boneless Family Thin Steak

Charcas dawn

Reflections Reflections
, 1

Reflections, 2

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Reset Brookstone Luggage Locks

Modeling a common Autillo

Autillo common modeling and hand painted

legs and beak shaped and baked Fimo, glass eyes, hand painted.

head in the process of modeling.

final appearance of the head

The process of shaping hand a bird, mammal or other animal passes 1:1 scale by choosing different materials, which combined, give the appearance of " live animal "once shaped and hand painted.
why I personally use: modeling clay, glass eyes, fimo, wire frame, laminated balsa ... the percentage is not important, because the important thing is to know which is more advisable for each anatomical part of the species to reproduce. Angel February

Link Biobricolaje program, modeling techniques.