Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hire Adult Film Entertainers

Don José (Nunez Naranjo): Right now I think how hard it was for me this year not to renew the license ... I also agree with the Betis which we live. I left this year to enjoy with all the ceremony that brings every home game, almost unchanging customs season after season they settled in everyday life. I find it hard to let go of all that, because I feel the colors and I like going to the field to see my Betis. I'm going wrong.

However, knowing that you not renewed it, and that the reasons were the same as mine, I felt something strange. He could not understand how a man who has lived so closely Betis, having been president of the club, who know from within the institution and has experienced first-person (along with legendary players for us all) Parts of what is now 'sacred history' Betis could take a drastic decision. If we add up what you are holding the No. 2 (to my cost me to let go of mine who was 5 digits) ...

Only you can reach two conclusions: one, that there is something (a feeling) that unites the two, and many others, called Andalusia and it becomes so intense as to set aside our own comfort or convenience to make a gesture on behalf of the future of the organization, Betis will leave to those who come, that which we hope to enjoy soon. I personally wish with all my heart that You see, the second conclusion is that for me is you, by all conditions that I mentioned (ex, n º 2, do not renew the card knowing it could have appeared as No. 1 in time) Betis most of the world.

Congratulations for having the courage and generosity of the road show. I'm not going
Betis, 29N


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